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Mitsubishi Electric was built on the belief that something can always be changed for the better, which has led us to building some of the best and most reliable escalators in the world. Here’s how our escalators solve some common problems most projects face.
Safety-oriented and customer friendly designs. You will truly feel the difference. Safety and ride comfort are the ultimate goals for Mitsubishi Electric.
Nobody plans to have their escalators stop working. So we take a proactive approach to minimizing downtime. Our scheduled maintenance program replaces parts before they wear out. And we design our products to last longer than the industry average. That results in an industry-leading callback ratio of less than one callback per unit per year.
Delays are the worst. You know it. We know it. Which is why we work closely with our customers. We manage our manufacturing product flow to ensure that you get your customized solutions quickly. We even go a step further and work side by side with you to ensure that your projects are on time and on budget.
Our escalators can satisfy your vision for your building while maintaining safety and high performance.
Simple and elegant. Designs targeting beauty and convenience, complete functions, top safety standards—these are common elements.
Moving walks add yet another dimension to architectural space and can be installed either outdoor or indoor depending on the need. Mitsubishi Electric offers an array of moving walks in both flat and inclined system configurations. Utilizing basic structural technologies equivalent to those of our escalators, high reliability durability, safety and cost performance are ensured.
Regular maintenance is not only vital to maintaining the safety of elevators, but also reduces malfunctions that require servicing to extend the product life. Regular maintenance also maximizes your investment. Our trustworthy Mitsubishi Electric's Maintenance Service and original parts make all the difference. In addition, our innovative solutions feature excellent energy efficiency. By fusing high-quality escalators with excellent service, our escalators operate smoothly with minimal downtime, improving tenant Satisfaction in a wide variety of settings.